Monday, May 4, 2009

1st QUEST Presentation

Emma did SUCH a great job with her QUEST presentation a couple of weeks ago! Each student presented in front of their peers (there are 6 other 1st graders in QUEST with Emma) as sort of a trial run before the big fair.
Jason asked me later that night if Emma was nervous during her presentation.
My answer:

"Are you kidding? She had an overhead projector,a pointer, and an attentive audience. She was in heaven!" LOL!

She did really, really well. She covered all of the facts on her transparency and also added in tidbits of info and fun facts that were not included in the text or diagrams on the page. Her back was to the group for most of that part (arrrgh! the teach didn't point out until her critique at the end that Emma could have #1, lowered the paper, and #2, stood beside the overhead and point the the things on the page from there so she could better address her audience) but she did turn and address the group regularly.
Emma called students to read the "Did You Know" facts from her interactive poster. She was so cute introducing it..."If you like, you may come up to look at my poster and find out what you may or may not know about dolphins!" :)
She also had bookmarks that she made to pass out that included more info about dolphins and a dolphin that she drew at the bottom with an arrow that said, "color me!"
And the piece de resistance...the much awaited, the much anticipated....3D Product!
Nana had so smartly suggested that Emma make a paper mache dolphin. How fun, right!? :)

Well, our third attempt ended up turning out great.

The first attempt turned out like this:

I cannot even begin to explain the reaction when that thing sunk in....we were literally putting the very last piece on and were ready to let it dry. Emma had been holding it for 40 minutes or more while I slapped on the gooey stuff. I smoothed out the last piece and it sunk.
We both just sat there in silence for a good beat of 5....then Emma said, "Do you have to start all over???"
Then she cried. Poor thing!

Anyway, after attempt #2 we figured out that this has to be an indoor project. The balloon can't handle the heat and sinks after awhile.
Jason was a dolphin making pro by the third attempt. He made the form each time and the girls and I would add the paper mache. Even Grammy had a hand in it on the final day because we were running out of time!
All in all, it was a lot of fun and Emma learned SO much. She loved researching. She brought home lots of books about dolphins, she would show me pages of written out notes that she had done during class, and even did some Google time at home. This class is really good for her.
The big fair is next week, and we'll be adding some finishing touches before then. She wants to find a recording of dolphin sounds, and make a costume of some sort....she has in mind a wet suit complete with flippers.
We may have to compromise. :)
Here are a few pics of her presentation. Emma's teacher from last year came to see her and snapped pics while I filmed -another aggravation-my ancient camera didn't get any sound! :(

1 comment:

Mihills Family Blog said...

Wow...I think she's a natural born teacher! I'll just bet she can find dolphin sounds somewhere on the internet. She's such a smart little girl...and I think her mommy and daddy have something to do with that!!

Love you!!