Sunday, October 28, 2007

60s Style!

Emma had Red Ribbon Week at her school last week. This is a week to raise drug awareness, and as part of the fun, they tag each day with its own theme for the kids to dress up. I.e. Monday-"Put a Lid on Drugs", and the kids get to wear their favorite hat. Tuesday-"Team up Against Drugs", and they wear their favorite team shirt. Wednesday was "60 Ways to Say No to Drugs", and they were to dress up in 60s style clothing. We brain stormed a bit and came up with some ideas, and I decided to straighten her hair to add to the look.
I may be regretting that decision! She Loved it! The child could not pass the bathroom without stopping to admire herself. Couldn't concentrate on brushing her teeth, would get distracted doing ANYthing, stopping to swish her long silky locks. It was strange to see her hair like that. She's had curls-lots of curls as a little one-since day 1! But she loved it, and we may do it again every now and then, just for fun. :)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A 'Specially, *Sprinkley* Breakfast Surprise!

I cannot, on paper (or blog), explain how much I look forward to the weekends. Not because we have lay around the house days, or because we have anything special planned, but for one other sleep in! These are days that I don't have to get up in the dark, I don't have to carry a sleeping Emma to my room to dress her like a limp doll while she fights to stay in slumber-land. I don't have to "hush" her every word once she does wake up, trying to let Ally sleep a little more before it's her turn. No. We can sleep until we want to wake up, eat breakfast at a normal human pace instead of having to scarf it down in an hurry to make the bus, and yes, I'll admit...we can stay in our PJs all day if that's what we choose!
So, when Ally called out around 6:10 this morning and Emma shortly followed, I decided they could manage for 20 minutes or so on their own, and that I was going back to bed. I turned on whatever Nick Jr. show was on at that awful hour, and told Emma to come get me when it was over.
Well, she came to get me alright! Came bounding in telling me, "I've made you a very special breakfast!"
Immediately, the alarms in my head are going off. What did she get into? What will I have to clean up? And more importantly: What will I have to eat???
I squashed any finger waving for the time being and made my way to the table. Ally, thankfully, was still content in front of the TV. One glance at the table showed that Emma had put alot of effort into our breakfast. Each of us had a plate and bowl, and spoon set out for our treat.
I think I'll let the image speak for itself here:

And juuust in case you can't see it well. Let me paint the picture. Pink sprinkles on whole wheat bread. Not toasted, because she's "not supposed to plug things in". OK, good choice there.
And then what appears to be innocent "Golden Puffs" cereal. I decided to start with the safe bet. My first spoonful of cereal was about two inches from my mouth when she decided to share, "the cereal has sprinkles too!" OH, it DOES?? Yes, it does!
I choked down most of that, and about two and a half bites of the bread. Our little-big-girl was proud of her self though. And she did tell me later that she wanted to make eggs, but she decided that "that would be dangerous". Another good choice. :)

Oh, and Ally enjoyed every last lick.....

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Ally!

Wow, after almost a 2 month absence from blogging...I just cannot let this day pass un-documented. Today our baby turned 3 years old. I can hardly say it aloud. It can't be true! My baby, my youngest, is Three! Even though we had her party over the weekend, nothing really hit me until today. Today it's official. And so bitter-sweet. She is growing up, growing more independent, and complex. And fun! She had her daddy and me in stitches last night, with all of her Ally-isms, showing out after big sister went to bed.
I made some special cupcakes for her to share at school today. The Preschool has a Circus theme this year, so I thought these were appropriate (and I may have had more fun making these than the kids did eating them!):

Ally enjoying her treats at school:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Brag Time!

Today was my first Parent/Teacher conference for Miss E. Let me say, it was unusual walking in there, trying to grasp that this was some other adult about to inform me of how my child was spending her days. A strange feeling, for sure.
My nerves eased immediately when the teacher looked up and almost seemed relieved to see me. I was the first appt. of the day, bright and early, so we could get on with our plans for Emma's day off. I think Mrs. G was still getting last minute things ready for her conferences, and when she saw me, she said, "Oh, you'll be quick. Emma is just WONderful! " Well, this I can handle!! :)
She began with the results of Emma's reading assessment. Emma is reading on a high first grade level. And improving every day. Mrs. G said she is constantly amazed by Emma's love for writing. Emma loves to write at journal time, and even made a special journal that she uses during "rest time", because she would rather not lay down. (this is another story for another time...).
I asked how Emma is fairing behaviorly and socially, and was told that she doing very, very well. Mrs. G said that she leaves Emma's name in the notes if she has to have a sub, telling to "ask Emma if you have any questions", and that Emma is very much a "Mother Hen" among her peers and table groups, helping friends with their work or reading.
I left that room feeling so proud of my little big-girl. This has not been an easy transition for either of us, but she has still managed to succeed and exceed expectations. We are SO proud of you, Emma!